会場内でのメディアの取材に関して – For Media

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  1. 新聞社・出版社の編集者・記者・カメラマン
  2. インターネット上のニュースまたは情報系サイト、ブログの編集者・記者・スタッフ
  3. BS・CS・ケーブルテレビを含むテレビ番組制作会社の記者および撮影スタッフ
  4. ラジオ番組制作会社の記者およびスタッフ
  5. 動画共有サイトへの投稿・配信を行なっている企業・フリーランスの方
  6. 当イベントの出展者からの依頼で写真撮影・動画撮影を行なう方
  • 審査のため媒体誌や企画書の提出をお願いすることがあります。
  • 審査の結果、プレスパスの発行をお断りする場合があります。
  • いかなる場合も審査結果の理由につきましては開示いたしませんので、ご了承ください。
  • ご入力いただいた個人情報は、本イベントの個人情報保護方針に基づき管理し、法令およびその他の規範にしたがって、今後の開催情報提供など必要な範囲で利用するほか、これらの業務遂行のために業務委託先に提供を行なうことがあります。


  1. 取材者は、撮影や録音が他の来場者や出展者のプライバシーや著作権を侵害しないよう注意するものとします。
  2. 取材者は、来場者や出展者の邪魔にならないよう配慮し、円滑な運営に協力するものとします。
  3. 取材者は、各出展ブースや会場内イベントで提供される情報や商品に関する取材を自己の責任において行なうものとし、主催者及び関連企業はその取材に関する一切の責任を負いません。
  4. 取材者は、各出展ブースや会場内イベントで提供される商品やサービスに関する取材を行なう際には、その正確性や信頼性を確認する責任を負います。主催者は、取材者が取得した情報や資料の正確性に関して一切の保証を行ないません。
  5. 取材者は、公共の秩序や他の来場者の安全を脅かすような行為を行なわないものとします。万一、取材者がこれに違反した場合、主催者はその取材を中止し、適切な対処を行なう権利を有します。
  6. 主催者は、取材者が会場内で発生した事故や損害に対して一切の責任を負いません。取材者は自己の安全を確保し、貴重品や機材の管理に注意を払うものとします。


Information on Press Pass Issuance

■About Press Pass

During the Tokyo Pedal Summit 2024, Press Passes will be issued to those who wish to conduct reporting activities at the venue.

At this event, we do not allow the taking of unauthorized photos or videos for the purpose of publishing articles in profitable broadcasting or publishing media, posting on video sharing sites, etc.
In addition, live streaming from inside the venue, e-commerce using exhibitions at the venue, purchasing, etc. are prohibited under any circumstances.

If you are planning to coverage activities, please check the following requirements and complete the application procedures in advance.
Please note that those who fall under any of the following are required to apply as press members.

  1. Editors, reporters, and photographers for newspapers and publishers
  2. Editors, reporters, and staff of news or information sites and blogs on the Internet
  3. Reporters and camera staff of TV program production companies including BS, CS, and cable TV
  4. Reporters and staff of radio program production companies
  5. Companies and freelancers who post and distribute videos to video sharing sites
  6. Those who take photos and videos at the request of exhibitors at this event
  • We may ask you to submit media magazines and proposals for review.
  • As a result of the review, we may refuse to issue a press pass.
  • Please note that under no circumstances will we disclose the reasons for the screening results.
  • Personal information you enter will be managed based on this event’s personal information protection policy, and will be used to the extent necessary, such as providing information on future events, in accordance with laws and other norms, and will be used for business purposes to carry out these tasks. We may provide your information to a subcontractor.
■Notes regarding Filming and Reporting

Regarding reporting activities at Tokyo Pedal Summit 2024, please understand and strictly adhere to the following.
In the unlikely event that you violate these regulations, we will refuse coverage at that time.

  1. Reporters must be careful not to infringe on the privacy or copyrights of other visitors or exhibitors with their photography or recording.
  2. Reporters must be careful not to cause any inconvenience to visitors or participants, and cooperate with the management of the event in a collaborative manner.
  3. Reporters are responsible for reporting on the information and products provided at each exhibition booth and event at the venue, and the organizer and affiliated companies assume no responsibility for such reporting.
  4. Reporters are responsible for confirming the accuracy and reliability of their coverage of products and services offered at exhibit booths and on-site events. The organizer makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information and materials obtained by reporters.
  5. Reporters must not engage in any behavior that threatens public order or the safety of other visitors. In the event that a reporter violates this, the organizer reserves the right to cancel the interview and take appropriate action.
  6. The event organizer is not responsible for any accidents or damage caused by reporters at the venue. Interviewers must ensure their own safety and take care of valuables and equipment.

Only those who agree to the above press coverage guidelines and are willing to participate in the interview should apply using the form below.< On the day of the event, a “Press Pass” will be issued at the reception desk at the event venue.